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Gli articoli selezionati sono in ordine cronologico crescente

Baumgarten, Franziska, Approach in taking tests. A technique for studying the examinee's behavior, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance journal", Vol. 14, n. 2, 1935, pp. 115-122

Hoopingarner, Newman L., Why men fail-or succeed, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", 1935, pp. 105-111

Women's stake in public affairs, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", (1935), pp. 743-748

Wood, Ben D., Criteria of individualized education, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", 1935-1936, pp. 781-785

Borsodi, Ralph, Vocational education for living, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", 1936, pp. 389-393

Morgan, Arthur E., Exploring for vocations, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", 1936, pp. 613-618.

Brewer, John M., Humanizing facts, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", Vol. 15, n. 3, 1936, pp. 232-235

Patterson, William F., Problems of the new apprenticeship, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", 1936, pp. 711-712

Washington, Forrester B., Social work and vocational guidance, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", 1936, pp. 548-555

Wallack, Walter M.; Briggs, Howard L., Guidance in penal institutions, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance magazine", Vol. 14, n. 4, 1936, pp. 293-305

Vocational guidance on the air. An occupational radio forum, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", Vol 15, n. 5, 1937, pp. 403-404

Kant, Raymond A., Some social and economic implications of the youth problem, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance journal", Vol. 15, n. 8, 1937, pp. 694-704

Chambers, Merritt M., Where will youth find jobs, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance journal", Vol. 15, n. 9, pp. 861-866

Fuller, Raymond G., Labor's new era-Whither?, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance", Vol. 15, n. 9, 1937, pp. 849-853

Nield, Marjory P., Houghton, Ruth, Placement trends for college women, in "Occupations: the vocational guidance magazine", Vol. 15, n. 9, 1937, pp. 877-878

Clark, Harold F., Exploring occupational trends, in "Occupations:the vocational guidance", (1935-1936), pp. 766-772

Commitee, N.E.A., New recomendations for vocational education, "Occupations: the vocational guidance", (1936-1937), pp. 203-206