In the lines

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The sector In the lines is dedicated to the subject of the Italian soldier's nutrition during the war. The armies' food requirement in combat was very elevated, higher than both their food supplies in time of peace and the civil population's. A hungry soldier does not fight properly, grows weak and concentrates his left power on seeking for food, by getting far away from the lines, in order to plunder all he needs to survive. The Government and its high command's priority is thus to guarantee a caloric diet to their soldiers.

L'offerta di un bicchiere

The sector In the lines is articulated into three itineraries, aimed to delve into some of the aspects of its central topic.
The first itinerary, entitled What soldiers ate is focused on the selection of texts and images concerning the soldier's nutrition, the rations of food agreed upon by the Italian Army as well as the food types.
The second itinerary, entitled How soldiers ate, includes documents through which it is deepened the matter of the organization for the soldiers' provisioning facilities, as well as the cooking technology, the food preservation and its transportation.
The third itinerary, entitled The prisoner's meal, offers a selection of material regarding the foreign army's nutrition as well as the food supplies for the Italian soldiers captured on the German and Austrian fields.