Biography of Gerhard Schwarz

Gerhard Schwarz, German by birth but Italian by choice, energetically reclaims and renews his heritage by way of "Impressionist” painting, en plein air, which succeeds in evoking all the magic of the places in and around the Eternal City.

Schwarz was born in Heidelberg, Germany in 1959. He shows a very early interest in painting, and the profession of typographer, practised with passion for many years, will help him in this direction. In 1983 he arrives in Rome, where he will settle down definitively. He works as a travelling minstrel on the city’s streets, until Dario De Blanck, Surrealist painter and pupil of Marc Chagall, is struck by his paintings and invites him to exhibit in that prestigious “showcase’’ that is Via Margutta, a well-trafficked street in the centre of Rome.

From that moment on Schwarz has prepared many solo and group exhibitions throughout Italy and has received numerous awards, among which the Premio Baiocco, in 2005, as best foreign artist in Italy. From 2003 onwards he was included in the Annuario d'arte moderna artisti contemporanei (Annual Directory of Contemporary Artists of Modern Art).

Currently he works and exhibits mainly in Rome and the surrounding area, where he also holds painting courses for various cultural associations.

1990: Rome, via Margutta Galleria d'arte moderna, group exhibition1

November-December 1991: personal exhibition at the Palazzo Comunale of Sacrofano (Rome) Scorci del centro storico (Views of the Historical Centre)
May 1992: personal exhibition in Armando Diaz Square, Sacrofano (Rome)
December 1992 - January 1995: participation in the group exhibition in the Gallery “Il Saggiatore”, Via Margutta, Rome
June-July 1994: participation in the exhibition Montepulciano nel Rinascimento (Montepulciano in the Renaissance) (4th place)

April 1995: Archeoclub of Formello, personal exhibition Etruria d’incanto. paesaggi e monumenti dell’Alto Lazio (The Magic of Etruria. Landscapes and Monuments of Northern Latium)

November 1995: participation in the contest “Arte verso il 2000” (Art towards the Year 2000)
May 1996: participation in the 4th Montepulciano Contest of Painting. cloister of Sant’Agnese Church
June 1996: exhibition with painter Tor Cousy. Armando Diaz Square, Sacrofano (Rome)
June 1997: personal exhibition Atmosfere di Prima Porta (Atmospheres of Prima Porta (Rome)), at the cultural association “Fuori dal Tunnel” (Out of the Tunnel)
July 1998: Festa dell’Unità (annual festivities of the left wing political party) Rome: Prima Porta, personal exhibition: Paesaggi del Cremera (Landscapes of the River Cremera)

March 1999: Calcata (Viterbo), “Il Granarone”, personal exhibition Calcata e la valle del Treja (Calcata and the Treja River Valley)

May 1999: participation in Per la Bosnia- Basilica di Santa Cecilia- Roma (Basilica of Santa Cecilia, Rome for Bosnia)
March 2000: “Artista del III Millennio” (artist of the third millennium) painting contest in the Orsini Castle of Fiano Romano
September 2000: Festa dell’Unità (annual festivities of the left wing political party) Rome: Prima Porta, personal exhibition: Parco di Veio (Park of Veii)
December 2000: group exhibition in the Savelli Castle in Palombara Sabina: prizewinning work
January 2001: group exhibition and prize in Palazzo Barberini, Rome

March 2001: Calcata, “Il Granarone”, personal exhibition Sui monti della Tolfa (On the Hills of Tolfa)

April - September 2001: personal exhibition in Farfa
December 2001: participation in the exhibition in the Fiano Romano Castle – charity auction
April 2002: Civitella San Paolo: 2nd prize

April 2002: Formello, Theatre Jean-Pierre Velly, personal exhibition Il Parco di Veio (The Park of Veii)

April 2002: personal exhibition Anguillara (Rome): Anguillara e il suo lago (Anguillara and Its Lake)
April 2002: Rome, Festa dell’Unità and Festa della Rinascita: personal exhibition La Guerra (War), with poetry by Bertold Brecht translated into Italian.

2003: Anguillara Sabazia (Rome), the Galleria, I laghi laziali (the Lakes of Latium)

March 2003: Formello, Sala Orsini of Palazzo Chigi, personal exhibition I tumuli di Veio (the Etruscan Grave Mounds of Veii), in collaboration with the Museo dell'Agro Veientano (Civic Museum of Formello)

April 2004: Rome, Torretta Valadier di Ponte Milvio (Valadier Tower of the Milvian Bridge), personal exhibition Tra Roma e Veio, Paesaggi del XX municipio (Between Rome and Veii, Landscapes of the XXth Municipio)

April 2005: Formello, Sala Orsini of Palazzo Chigi, collaboration in the exhibition Formello sotterranea (Formello Underground), Museo dell'Agro Veientano, with paintings, models, and exhibition displays.

July 2006: Rome, Torretta Valadier di Ponte Milvio, personal exhibition I ponti sul Tevere (Bridges on the River Tiber)

August 2006: Winner of the “Premio Baiocco” of Ponte Milvio as best foreign painter

2007: Rome, Torretta Valadier di Ponte Milvio, personal exhibition Roma sotterranea. Una città sotto (Rome Underground. A City Beneath)

January-February 2007: Formello, Sala Orsini of Palazzo Chigi, personal exhibition Gerhard Schwarz Veio 1995-2007

March-April 2007: Sala Orsini of Palazzo Chigi, Formello, participation in the exhibition Il Sorbo e la Valle del Cremera (The Sorbo Area and the River Cremera Valley) of the Museo dell'Agro Veientano, with paintings 

2009: Rome, VI municipio, participation in the exhibition L’acquedotto alessandrino (The Aqueduct of Alexander Severus, 3rd c. AD)

May 2009: Rome, Centro Anziani del Quarticciolo (Quarticciolo Community Centre for the Elderly), personal exhibition Monumenti e Paesaggi del VII Municipio (Monuments and Landscapes of the 7th Municipio), sponsored by the Municipio VII

2010: Rome, Museo Venanzo Crocetti, personal exhibition Ars Creandi

2011: Rome, Accademia di Romania (Academy of Romania), participation in the event Jazz art: pittura, scultura e musica jazz a Roma (Jazz Art: Painting, Sculpture and Jazz Music in Rome)

2011: Rome, Iraqi Embassy, participation at the Festival Internazionale dell'Arte per la pace tra i popoli e le religioni (International Festival of Art for Peace among Peoples and Religions)

2012: Formello, Sala Orsini of Palazzo Chigi, personal exhibition La via Francigena tra Corot e Monicelli (The Via Francigena from Corot to Monicelli), in collaboration with the Museo dell'Agro Veientano

2012: Rome, Galleria Arte Maggiore, personal exhibition Stagioni a Veio (Seasons in Veii)

2012: Fivizzano, Chiostro ex Convento degli Agostiniani (Cloister of the former Convent of the Agostinians), personal exhibition Suggestioni di un viandante in Lunigiana (A Wayfarer's Fascinations in Lunigiana)

March 2014: Rome, Museo Venanzo Crocetti, personal exhibition L'anima di un territorio (The Soul of a Territory)

May 17-18 2014: group exhibition DiversaMente Pittura (Differently Painting) curated by Gerhard Schwarz, Gli Artisti della Bottega (Painters of the Workshop), in collaboration with Cristina Furiosi Ardas K., teacher of Kundalini Yoga; manifestation included in the International Museum Day (ICOM), with the Museo dell'Agro Veientano

July 2015: Formello, Sala Orsini of Palazzo Chigi, personal exhibition Cartoline di Roma (Postcards from Rome)

Painting schools

2007, 2009, 2011, 2012: painting classes for the Regional Institution Parco di Veio of Latium

2010, 2011, 2012: painting classes for FPA Italia

