List of publications held by the Biblioteca delle Arti

Alabastri merletti ricami. Modelli dell’E.N.A.P.I. 1957, Roma, ENAPI, 1957                                                      

This publication draws together a catalogue of models designed by illustrious artists and crafted by skilled artisans. Published during a time of severe economic crisis for ENAPI and diminished artisanal production, the volume argued for establishing a productive synergy between artists and artisans in order to revive and re-launch the sector by focusing on exceptional quality during the creation and composition phases, and technical perfection during the execution phase, for a product of incomparable value.

Antiche trine italiane, collected and edited by Elisa Ricci, Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche

Published for the first time in 1908 by Bergamo’s Institute of Graphic Art, a second edition was published in 1914. “Antiche trine italiane” is one of the most complete and important works on needle lace ever published in Italy, and its author, Elisa Ricci, was considered one of the greatest 20th century Italian experts of the art of lace.

Arte religiosa popolare in Italia, Roma, Comitato nazionale italiano per le arti popolari, 1943

This publication aims to document the success of the first national exhibition of religious folk art organized in Venice in 1942 by the Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro. The text is divided into four sections – on domestic life, and life in the farm fields, mountains, and along the coast – and focuses not so much on a generic expression of sacred art, but rather on all those objects that could represent the religious sentiment of men and women as they went about life’s various circumstances.

Artigianato d’Italia. V Esposizione Internazionale delle arti decorative e industriali moderne e dell’architettura moderna, Milano 1933

The work documents a national competition for Italian artisans and artists, and publishes the designs and models that were submitted together with works of applied arts and artisanry, divided into twelve groups. It features illustrations of the work of the artists documented therein, with extensive captions.

L’artigianato d’Italia alla sesta Triennale di Milano, maggio–ottobre 1936, Roma, Scuola Tipografica Gualandi, 1936

This publication documents the artists who crafted the models for various types of artisanal crafts: alabaster, marble, mosaics, ceramics, coral, ivory, leather, metal, embroideries, lace, and glass.

L’Artigianato di Venezia dogale. Sua storia-economia-avvenire, Roma, ENAPI, 1966

A historical analysis of the emergence of artisans in Venice, from the consorterie veneziane artisans’ guilds to the business issues of the 1960s.

L’Artigianato e la piccola industria nella provincia di Frosinone, Frosinone, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura

The catalogue lists local artisanal firms and small businesses with the goal of promoting local artefacts.

Artigianato, Handicraft, Artisanat, Handwerk in Puglia e Basilicata, Roma, C. Bestetti edizioni d’Arte, 1974

The book describes the artisanal traditions of Apulia and Basilicata, with a particular focus on the peasant and shepherd communities in which they originated. The book provides plates with captions describing the authors of the artefacts in question (ceramics, lace, papier maché, metal, wood, baskets).

Artigianato in Abruzzo e Molise, Roma, C. Bestetti edizioni d'arte, 1974

The book is part of a series of monographs describing, region by region, the most culturally and economically significant aspects of Italian artisanry.

Artigianato in Calabria, Roma, C. Bestetti, 1971

The book is part of a series of monographs describing, region by region, the most culturally and economically significant aspects of Italian artisanry.

Artigianato ligure. Guida, catalogo della produzione, Siena, Emilio Frullani,  1960

The book is part of a series of monographs describing, region by region, the most culturally and economically significant aspects of Italian artisanry.

Artigianato lombardo, Roma, C. Bestetti edizioni d’arte, 1970

The book is part of a series of monographs describing, region by region, the most culturally and economically significant aspects of Italian artisanry.

Artisanat d’Italie, Roma, ICE, 1956

This guide, written in French, provides an overview of the products made by Italy’s artisans and small industries. It examines various types of artefacts, with a particular focus on their historical and artistic roots.

Arts decoratifs de l’ artisanat e des petites industries en Italie, Roma, Stab. Luigi Salomone, 1938

A catalogue, written in French, listing ceramics, furniture, glasswork, jewels, fabrics, rugs, lacework, and draperies collected by ENAPI under the aegis of the Fascist Confederation of Industrialists, with the goal of marketing them abroad.

Catalogo della XI mostra mercato nazionale dell’artigianatoFirenze 25 settembre – 9 ottobre 1947

The organization of the 11th artisanal trade fair proved to be particularly complex due to the damage sustained to the host building and materials during World War II. The book clearly shows how under those circumstances, the pride and vitality of the entire artisan community made it possible to set up a new trade fair “headquarters” in the city of Florence, giving as many as 600 exhibitors a chance to show that the sector remained sound.

Catalogo generale ufficiale della IX mostra mercato nazionale dell’artigianatoFirenze 11-28 maggio 1939

Catalogue for the 9th national trade fair held in Florence in May 1939. The event included a number of competitions for products from various artisanal sectors, with prizes and distinctions of merit awarded to those who had submitted final products that most closely followed the qualitative, aesthetic, practical, and commercial standards set by the event’s organizers.

Catalogo generale ufficiale della X mostra-mercato nazionale dell’artigianato. Firenze, 12 maggio-3 giugno 1940, 1940

Catalogue divided by product group promoting the exposition and marketing of Italian artisanal goods.

Catalogo ufficiale della XIII mostra-mercato nazionale dell’ artigianato. Firenze, 14-29 maggio 1949, 1949

Catalogue for the 13th artisanal trade fair, divided by product group, and with a particular focus on the participation of schools and art institutes. The foreword stresses the educational aspects, which is essential for proper training in artisanal trades.

Catalogo ufficiale della XV mostra-mercato nazionale dell’artigianato. Firenze, 3-24 maggio 1951, Firenze, 1951

Catalogue divided by product group promoting the exposition and marketing of Italian artisanal goods. Where necessary, the volume also discusses technological research and experimentation.

Catalogo ufficiale della XVI  mostra mercato nazionale e internazionale dell’artigianato. Firenze, 24 aprile-14 maggio 1952, Firenze, E.A. Mostra-Mercato Nazionale dell’Artigianato, 1952

Catalogue divided by product group promoting the exposition and marketing of Italian artisanal goods, especially in light of the post-war economic recovery

Catalogo ufficiale della XVII  mostra mercato nazionale e internazionale dell’artigianato. Firenze, E.A. Mostra-Mercato Nazionale dell’Artigianato, 1953

Catalogue divided by product group promoting the exposition and marketing of Italian artisanal goods. Many foreign artisans participated in the fair, with the aim of making Italy’s artisanal output more varied and internationally-oriented.

Cole Alan S., Dentelles d'Irlande. Recueillies et annotées, Paris, A. Calavas, [1902]

This is a book of paintings focusing on 19th century Irish lace, with several depictions of 16th and 17th century lace as well. First published in 1902, the volume features 74 works, each accompanied by a brief description. The author was curator for textiles at the South Kensington Museum.

Ente Nazionale per l’Artigianato e le Piccole Industrie, ed., Catalogo illustrato ad uso dei commerciantiII Fiera Nazionale dell’Artigianato. Firenze, 20 marzo-3 aprile 1932, Roma, Federazione Fascista Autonoma degli Artigiani d’Italia, 1932

This is a catalogue of an exhibition held in Florence in 1932 that aimed to help implement ENAPI’s institutional programme. The items that were photographed and illustrated in the catalogue were selected by a panel of experts whose goal was supporting technical perfection and artistic renewal.

Ente Nazionale per l’Artigianato e le Piccole Industrie, Esposizione internazionale di Barcellona 1929Catalogo, Milano, Bestetti e Tumminelli, 1929

One of the goals that ENAPI pursued with particular determination ever since its establishment was promoting the participation of Italian artisans and small industrialists in major national and international trade fairs. For this reason, after participating in trade fairs in Monza, Milan, Tripoli, Padua, Turin, and Leipzig, a select delegation of small entrepreneurs was picked to exhibit Italy’s finest artisanal products at the international fair in Barcelona. The catalogue features, among others, wonderful examples of table centrepieces made entirely of lace or lace-bordered fabrics.

L’Ente Nazionale per l’Artigianato e le Piccole Industrie alla IV Esposizione Triennale Internazionale dell’arte decorativa e industriale moderna. Villa Reale di Monza, 1930, Roma, D. Squarci e Figli

A catalogue of the exhibition held in Monza in 1930 for the marketing, especially abroad, of goods from Italy’s artisanal and small industry sector. The volume is illustrated with plates depicting furniture, glassworks, lace, metals, sculptures, and ceramics, all with exhaustive captions.

Flemming E., Textile künste, weberei, stickerei, spitze, geschichte, technik, stilentwickelung, Berlin,  Verlag für kunstwissenschaft, [after 1923]

Textile arts, weaving, embroidering, and lace within the context of their own histories, artistic development, and techniques: this is the focus of this in-depth, richly illustrated volume published in 1926.

Handicrafts of Italy, Roma, I.C.E., Italian Institute For Foreign Trade

This booklet provides a brief survey of the artistic output of renowned Italian artisan and small industries. The goal is to provide an overview of Italian products fashioned by the hands of great masters, the legitimate heirs of Benvenuto Cellini, Maestro Giorgio, Antonio Pollaiolo, and many others.

Henneberg A., Il pizzo antico. Stile e tecnica, with introduction by G. Pinder, version by I. Soster, Milano, Sperling & Kupfer, 1931

The essence of attraction towards the science of an art is not driven by the science of the study of the object in question; rather, it is the object itself and the primordial interest it awakens that leads us towards science. In this case, the author’s interest in lace dates back to several decades before the publication of this work, and is rooted in the curiosity awakened in him by some family heirlooms. As he began to study them, his interest and commitment grew. Henneberg’s book, published in 1931, aims to accurately define the artistic and technical characteristics of antique lace through an in-depth, analytical analysis of each individual piece.

Istituti e scuole statali d'arte alla nona Triennale di Milano e alla quindicesima Mostra mercato nazionale di Firenze 1951, Firenze, 1951

A guide, written in Italian and French, to the public and private institutions responsible for the professional training of artisans.

Italian laces and embroideries, Roma, I.C.E., 1957

Written in close collaboration with ENAPI, this booklet not only tells the story of lace and embroidery in Italy, describing the articles produced in various parts of the country up to 1957, it also lists the companies that were able to export such products, and features many photographs and illustrations.

Loebèr Jun. J. A., Das Batiken. Eine blüte indonesischen kunstlebens, Oldenburg, Gerhard Stalling A.-G., 1926

The book describes and discusses Batik art, as well as it production and diffusion. It also features classical drawings and motifs reserved to specific social classes, imitations, and how to recognizes. The book continues to be an important reference on this topic.

Marangoni G., Le stoffe d’arte e l’arredamento della casa, Milano, Ceschina, 1928

The volume is part of the Encyclopaedia of Modern and Decorative Arts and focuses on home furniture. It pays particular attention to products made by the artisanal and small industry sectors: furniture, tapestries, painted decorations, and lace.

Mazzotti G., ed., Artigianato veneto, Roma, C. Bestetti Edizione d’Arte, 1971

A monograph edited by ENAPI and published with the intent to raise awareness on artisanal output in Italy’s regions. The monograph provides a historical analysis of the origins of artisanry in its various shapes and forms, and is illustrated by photographs depicting the various types of artefacts.

Modelli di artigianato artistico, Roma, ENAPI, 1968

An overview of artistic artisanry models made for the 14th Milan Triennale,  collected by ENAPI and divided by product category.

II Mostra internazionale delle arti decorative. Villa Reale di Monza, 1925. Opere scelte, Milano, Grandi Edizioni Artistiche, 1925

The catalogue describes the origins and history of decorative arts within the framework of industrial and commercial development. The catalogue’s many illustrations feature exhaustive captions.

VI  Mostra mercato nazionale dell’Artigianato. Firenze, 25 aprile-9 maggio 1936. Catalogo generale ufficiale della mostraFirenze, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Piazza Cavour, 1936

Catalogue divided by product group promoting the exposition and marketing of Italian artisanal goods, with a particular focus on sale modalities and regulations.

Nestler A. - Lojacono R., Storia dell’arte, delle arti minori, della casa, arredamento, abbigliamento, ricamo, Roma, Aurelia, 1970

This publication focuses on the minor arts, through a comparative analysis of the influence of traditional art (architecture, painting, sculpture) on decorative arts.

Pica A., Storia della Triennale. 1918-1957, Milano, Ed. Del Milione, 1957

Historical analysis of the reasons behind the birth of the Triennale, with a particular focus on the artists who took part in it. The work stresses the links between artisanry, small industry, and art, which influenced manufacturing output in that era.

Premiata scuola di merletto a fusello di Sansepolcro: A. & G. Marcelli. Laboratorio in Sansepolcro, Sansepolcro, Stabilimento tipografico S. Boncompagni

A series of plates depicting lacework, linens, and various fabrics for sale. A price sheet is included.

Ricci E., Trine italiane, Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche

This publication came out as a series of folders, the author’s way of making it more useful and accessible for lacemakers. Each folder contains loose-leaf instructional plates, beginning with simple models suitable for beginners and ending with more ornate, complex examples. The new edition features many new plates, which reproduce models borrowed from ancient 16th and 17th century booklets illustrated by renowned artists. The publication comprises six folders, each of which has 24 loose-leaf plates. The six folders deal with the following: 1) Modano lace; 2) Modano, fili tirati and buratto lace; 3) Reticello lace; 4) Reticello lace; 5) Bobbin lace; 6) Bobbin lace. The Biblioteca delle Art only has the first five folders.

Santangelo A., Tessuti d’arte italiani dal XII al XVIII secolo, Milano, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, 1958

A richly-illustrated thorough historical and sociological treatise on the origins, development, and fashions that affected artisanal fabrics throughout their history.

Strinati R., I merletti ad ago e la Scuola di Burano, Roma - Milano, Società editrice d'arte illustrata, 1926

Strinati’s book traces the history of lace from its earliest origins, then concentrates on needle lace and its development within the context of the Burano school. It is richly illustrated, and describes in details the various types of needle lace from the Burano school in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Toschi P., Arte popolare italiana, Roma, Bestetti Edizione d’Arte, 1960

These two lavishly illustrated volumes comprehensively discuss the artistic and historical roots on Italian folk art. The book was published with the support of ENAPI.

Wettergren von Erik, Moderne schwedische Werkkunst, Malmo, Veröffentlichung des Museums zu Malmö, 1926

The volume illustrates Swedish applied art and its European, African, and Asiatic influences.