Project contents

The Estense Music Festival "Grandezze & Meraviglie" and the Arcomelo Group 2013 organize from 2 to 4 December 2016 an international conference dedicated to the Bononcini family: from the artistic debut of Giovanni Maria (First fruits of the Musical Garden op. 1, 1666), which marks the beginning of the golden age of the Modena violin school, with the European fortune of the Practical Musician (1673), parallel to that of the ducal house after the wedding that in that same year had united Maria Beatrice d'Este to the Duke of York Giacomo Stuart, as well as of the second generation of Bononcini musicians, who had in his two sons Giovanni Maria, Giovanni and Antonio Maria, internationally renowned instrumentalists, operatives and composers of cantatas and oratories.


The objective of the congress is on the one hand to study the life, works and influence exercised, in a European perspective, by Bononcini on Emilian instrumental and vocal music, on the other hand to shed light on the circulation of Emilian music and musicians and on aspects of executive practice. In addition to these themes, other aspects of Emilian instrumental music will also be explored, including the relationships between patronage and production and the mutual contamination between instrumental and vocal music.


The scientific committee, formed four years ago on the occasion of the 2013 Arcomelo Congress (Enrico Gatti, Royal Conservatoire, Den Haag, NL - Conservatory "GB Martini," Bologna; Guido Olivieri, The University of Texas, Austin, USA; Agnese Pavanello, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Basel, CH; Marc Vanscheeuwijck, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA; Francesco Zimei, Abruzzese Institute of Musical History), continuing on the road already taken in the first two conferences - on "Corelli" in Fusignano (2013) and on "Marchitelli & Mascitti" at Villa Santa Maria (2014) - also chose this time to integrate the exegetical component and the theoretical study with the executive moment. We therefore propose to pay particular attention to the examination of the performance practice as an integral part of the reflection on a family of composers of such great complexity. Not only, therefore, the usual concerts enrich the conclusion of the conference days, but constitute a moment of musical realization of the interpretations proposed and almost a natural extension of the reflections open during the sessions.
